The open-air-footwear that revolutionized the general “concept of shoes”, UNEEK.
The model will definitely match surroundings like a marina or a beach
which must be flourishing the subsequent seasons.

〈KEEN〉 UNEEK ¥12,000+TAX (KEEN JAPAN +81 3-6416-4808)
〈MIKIO SAKABE〉 Dress ¥28,000+TAX (MIKIO SAKABE +81 3-6304-0838), 〈KANGOL〉 Hat ¥7,900+TAX (KURIHARA CORPORATION Customer Center) 0120-810-041)

〈KEEN〉 UNEEK ¥12,000+TAX (KEEN JAPAN +81 3-6416-4808)
〈TAN〉 No Sleeve Knit ¥32,000+TAX (TAN +81 3-5464-9321), 〈Cheap Monday〉 Overall ¥11,500 (k3 Office +81 3-3464-5357)

Actually, it’s pretty feminine and adorable.
- ーSince you are from New Zealand, is there any shift for your shoe-preferences in Tokyo?
- Not really. Back in New Zealand, I merely wore sneakers, sandals, or just bare-feet through an entire year, so I’ll continue wearing only sneakers here in Tokyo until summer comes.
- ーThe mixture of a sneaker and a sandal, UNEEK, seems to fit well for a lifestyle in New Zealand. What was your first impression when you put on?
- UNEEK isn’t like a typical beach-sandal that toes will be tortured walking for several hours. Moreover, the model comprises anti-slip outsole, so I think people in New Zealand would even go for hiking with the shoes, haha. Actually, it’s pretty feminine and adorable as well when you put on. My shapes of feet are thin yet long, so it’s always hard to find shoes that fits me well. Yet, the model is adjustable in its shape because it’s made of shoe laces, so it does fits perfectly to my feet.
- ーThe shoes are created for active ladies, and AYUMI, you also like to work out, do you?
- I started to work out to gain muscles in order to reform my flat-feet. Initially, I really felt lazy, but gradually got into working out, and eventually I would even feel stressful if I didn’t go to gym, haha. Currently, I go to gym about 5 days a week, mostly working out with dumbbells and a running machine. Besides work out, I like to spend my leisure time on artistic fields such as photograph, painting, and drawing.
- ーMs. AYUMI, the lover of art and sports, where would you like to go wearing the shoes?
- Definitely, beaches of my local areas in New Zealand. I wanna put it on when going out there to draw, paint, and take photos. Especially when taking photos, I need to focus on my objects, so I always wish to wear as relaxed-outfits as possible while it is also fashionable. Therefore, the pair passes my criteria. I’ll unquestionably bring it back for my next visit to NZ!
AYUMI, from New Zealand became model by getting contact through Instagram when she visited Japan for a sightseeing. Probably many creators are attracted by her character as she is telling us bluntly ‘I don’t get used to environment as there are too many crowd in Japan, but work is fun so I’ll stay for a while.’